TOEFL Speaking Section: 50+ тем для устной части TOEFL

Первые два вопроса на устной части международного экзамена по английскому языку TOEFL предлагают студенту выразить свое мнение на предложенную тему. При этом у экзаменуемого есть 15 секунд на подготовку и 45 секунд на ответ. Чтобы за эту минуту вы смогли продемонстрировать все, на что способны, нужно готовиться. Возьмите таймер, диктофон и этот список тем для устного ответа на TOEFL iBT, чтобы «накачать мышцы» и освоить формат части «Говорение».

Темы для первого вопроса раздела Speakingв TOEFL

Вопрос 1 устной части обращается к жизненному опыту студента и способности высказываться на этот счет на английском языке. На экране монитора вы увидите вопрос, подобный тем, что представлены ниже. Ваша задача – дать на него структурированный, четкий и грамматический правильный ответ за 45 секунд.

1. Who is your best friend? Describe this person and say why he or she is your best friend.

2. What way of getting around do you prefer? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite means of transportation.

3. What place in your city or town would you recommend to visitors who want to have fun? Describe this place and explain why it is fun.

4. Name the invention that has changed your life most recently. Explain why it is so.

5. What is the most impressive moment in your life? Describe it and state the reasons for your choice.

6. What is your perfect career? Describe what it would look like, what you would do and why it interests you.

7. Who is your favorite teacher? Name qualities that make him or her such a good teacher for you and give example to support your choice.

8. Your friend wants to visit a new country. What country would you recommend and why?

9. What is your favorite place for eating out? Describe the place and explain why you like it.

10. Choose a famous person who you would like to have a conversation with. Explain your choice giving specific reasons and details.

11. Talk about a time when you found a job more challenging than you expected. What were you trying to accomplish? Why did it become difficult?

12. What is your favorite school subject? Explain your choice using details and examples.

13. Which tradition of your country do you think people in other countries should adopt? Give reasons to support your choice.

14. Are you more like your mother or father in personality? Give reasons and examples to support your response.

15. What is your most important possession? Describe it and explain why it is important.

16. Talk about your favorite style of clothing. Describe it and explain why it is your favorite.

17. Talk about a positive experience with learning or using English. Describe the experience and explain why it was positive.

18. What you and your family enjoy doing when you are together? Describe it and say why it is enjoyable for all of you.

19. Where would you like to live if you could live anywhere? Describe this place and say why you have chosen it.

20. Talk about the most intelligent person you have ever met. Describe this person and explain why you think she or he is intelligent.

21. What type of movies do you prefer watching: comedy or drama? Explain your choice by giving details.

22. What is your favorite place to study? Describe this place and explain why it suits you.

23. Talk about your country’s national anthem or flag. What is it like? Where is it used and where can it be found? Include details and examples to support your response.

24. Describe an experience in your life that made you feel embarrassed. Explain why it was embarrassing.

25. What is your favorite season of the year? Explain what makes you like it.

26. Name a place in your country you would recommend others to visit. Use details to support your recommendation.

Темы для второго вопроса раздела Speaking в TOEFL

Ответ на второй вопрос предполагает комментарий общественной проблемы. Вам нужно принять какую-то сторону в споре и привести аргументы в защиту своего мнения.

1. Do you think that the university education is important for all people? Give reasons for your opinion.

2. Some people prefer to focus on one job throughout their life; others like to change jobs. Which strategy do you think is better? Explain why.

3. Do you prefer living in a big city or small town? State your preference and give reasons as to why you feel this way.

4. What is wiser: to save the money you have earned for future expenses or spend it right away on things you enjoy? Give reasons to support your opinion.

5. Some people prefer to work from home. Others think it is better to work in an office. Which do you choose, and why?

6. Some people always try to respond to emails and other messages they receive immediately. Others take time to respond. Which do you do, and why?

7. To what extent do you agree with the following statement? Use details and examples to support your opinion.  It is better for students if they spend more time learning outside of classrooms than in classrooms.

8. Do you prefer to attend a college or university full-time or part-time? Why is it so? Explain your choice by using details and examples.

9. Some people prefer to take a long vacation while others prefer to take several short vacations, which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples to support your explanation.

10. What are the pros and cons for doing volunteer work? Use details and examples to defend your point.

11. What are the positive and negative sides of English becoming the world language?

12. Do you think that zoos are generally good or bad? Give reasons to support your opinion.

13. Some people think that cell phones should be prohibited in schools. Do you support or oppose this opinion? Explain why.

14. Should new university students all be required to read the same book in the summer before they start their first course of study? Explain your response.

15. Some people prefer to be self-employed, while others find that working for someone else is better for them. Which side do you take and why?

16. Do innovations and technology make our lives simpler or more complex? Use details and examples to support your answer.

17. What in your opinion is more effective: learning on your own or learning with a teacher? Support your response with reasons and examples.

18. Do you think that prohibition of smoking in public places is a good idea? Explain why you think so.

19. Would you agree or disagree that young people have nothing to teach older people? Support your opinion by giving details and examples.

20. Do you agree or disagree with people who believe that life is about relaxing instead of hurrying? Use details and examples to illustrate your opinion.

21. Do you think that celebrities must set a good example for young people? Give reasons to support your opinion.

22. Some people think it is important  for neighbors to know each other. Others believe it is not so important to have social interactions with neighbors. Which do you agree with, and why?

23. Would you agree or disagree with the following statement? Give reasons in support of your argument. It is very important for the government to fund the arts.

24. More and more people choose online education. What is your opinion on this type of learning? Give details and examples to support your response.

25. Do you agree or disagree with this statement: Teachers should be evaluated by their students? Support your argument with examples and details.

26. If you were convicted of a murder, would you prefer the death sentence or life in prison? Give reasons to support your argument.

27. Some educators believe that grades encourage students to learn. Others find using grades controversial or even harmful. What is your stance on this matter and why?

Очень важно не просто увидеть, как выглядят вопросы устной части, но ответить на них в формате TOEFL, за 45 секунд, приводя доводы и примеры в защиту своей позиции. Это поможет сформировать важный для теста навык: быстро формулировать и лаконично выражать свое мнение на любую тему на английском языке.

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